Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Greg Summers  Luke 1:26-35 - The Gift of Christmas  Luke 1:26-35 - The Gift of Christmas 
 2. World English Bible  Christmas Story, Matthew 1:28-24, Luke 1:26-38, Luke 2:1-20, John 1:1-18, Bible  Christmas Short Works Collection 2006 
 3. Christ Church Liverpool  Luke 16 - Gift Sunday  Gift Sunday 
 4. Christ Church Liverpool  Luke 16 - Gift Sunday  Gift Sunday 
 5. Dennis, Jim, Evan and Bryan  Best Christmas Gift Ever  Previously Unreleased 
 6. Bret Harte  The Christmas Gift that Came to Rupert  LibriVox Christmas Collection 2006 
 7. Stephen F. Austin State University Band  A Cool Christmas Gift  Northeastern Music Pub. 06-07 
 8. Bret Harte  The Christmas Gift that Came to Rupert  Christmas Short Works Collection 2006 
 9. Bret Harte  The Christmas Gift that Came to Rupert  LibriVox Christmas Collection 2006 
 10. Jon, Seth and David  LearnOutLoud.com's Christmas Gift Ideas  Audio Learning Revolution 
 11. Jon, Seth and David  LearnOutLoud.com's Christmas Gift Ideas  Audio Learning Revolution 
 12. Pastor Dick Crosby  2008 12-07 Gods Christmas Gift To Us  Hannaford Street Bible Church 
 13. Aselin Debison  Christmas Songs - Aselin Debison - The Gift  sweet is the melody 
 14. Aselin Debison  Christmas Songs - Aselin Debison - The Gift  sweet is the melody 
 15. Associate Pastor Clay Werner  God's Indescribable Christmas Gift: Son of God, King of Kings  Faith For Living 
 16. Rev. David Kile  Pledged in Love: Give Youself a Christmas Gift  Seattle First Baptist Church 
 17. Rev. David Kile  Pledged in Love: Give Youself a Christmas Gift  Seattle First Baptist Church 
 18. KingArthur.com Holiday Band  Anbiya, Luke and Mary Christmas Song  Christmas Music 
 19. Doug Richardson  20071223 Doug Richardson Christmas Gods Gift Of Fulfillment  Christmas 
 20. J S Bach  Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part Three - For the 3rd Day of Christmas: Ruler of heaven, give ear to our stammer  Bach: Christmas Oratorio 
 21. J S Bach  Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part Two - For the 2nd Day of Christmas: Break forth, O beauteous morning light  Bach: Christmas Oratorio (1 of 3) 
 22. J S Bach  Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part Three - For the 3rd Day of Christmas: Ruler of heaven, give ear to our stammer  Bach: Christmas Oratorio (2 of 3) 
 23. J S Bach  Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part Three - For the 3rd Day of Christmas: Ruler of heaven, give ear to our stammer  Bach: Christmas Oratorio (2 of 3) 
 24. J S Bach  Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part One - For the 1st Day of Christmas: Mighty Lord, O strongest sovereign  Bach: Christmas Oratorio (1 of 3) 
 25. J S Bach  Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part Three - For the 3rd Day of Christmas: And the shepherds then turned back again  Bach: Christmas Oratorio (2 of 3) 
 26. J S Bach  Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part One - For the 1st Day of Christmas: Ah my beloved Jesus-child  Bach: Christmas Oratorio (1 of 3) 
 27. J S Bach  Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part Three - For the 3rd Day of Christmas: I will thee steadfastly cherish  Bach: Christmas Oratorio (2 of 3) 
 28. J S Bach  Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part Three - For the 3rd Day of Christmas: Keep thou, my heart now, this most blessed wonder  Bach: Christmas Oratorio 
 29. J S Bach  Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part One - For the 1st Day of Christmas: Now is my dearest bridegroom rare  Bach: Christmas Oratorio (1 of 3) 
 30. J S Bach  Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part Three - For the 3rd Day of Christmas: He brought his people hope  Bach: Christmas Oratorio (2 of 3) 
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